Monday, July 13, 2009

Ferd Bog and Black Bear Mtn.

My first full day of Adirondack life and I am loving every moment of it. Today, we woke up to a great morning breakfast of eggs, hash brown, bacon, fruit and a nice cup of HOT coffee. After breakfast we took the boat back over to Antlers for a trek around Ferd's Bog, which I know now is a watery low area, and a short hike up Black Bear Mountain. Accompanying our group was Adirondack guide, Ed Kanze. I was very exited to have him along to answer some pondering questions.
Our trip to the Bog was interesting for a number of reasons. One, it was my first time poking my nose around a marshy lowland. Two, we brought along nets, magnifying glass boxes and a discovery scope to catch and look at specimen. COOL!!! Although I did not go into the bog, for fear of falling in, I did get to see a spider with eggs on its butt, pitcher plants, lots of vegetation and some birds. Ed taught us how to identify some native birds, edible and poisonous plants and pointed out the different trees found near boggy areas.
After our jaunt around the bog, we hiked a round trip of 4.4 miles up Black Bear Mountain. It was a nice and easy hike compared to the strenuous high peak trails that I am used to in the Adirondacks. Even though it was a bit muddy, the company up the trail was enjoyable and the view at the top was beautiful.
I can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings...
Here are some pictures of our day:

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